Fresh is a Horror/Comedy film starring Daisy Edgar-Jones a Noa, a single woman who meets a man named Steve (played by Sebastian Stan) at a grocery store. They hit it off immediately, but she and some of her friends do have some concerns about him not being on any social media. Soon after dating Steven invites Noa to go on an away trip for the weekend, but first they needed to stop by his place (where Nora has never been), and that is where things become interesting. This is an extremely hard film to discuss without going too far into spoiler territory. I will say that Steve is not who he appears to be and there are some very "Hannibal" vibes going on here. I found the film to be equally terrifying as it was funny. Stan is quite funny as a villain, and this is definitely a film that I would see again and recommend.
Kierre's Review of The Flash 2023 ★★★½
Watched Jun 6, 2023 The Flash is the first stand-alone film starring Ezra Miller as the title character. Having helped save the world...