Judas and the Black Messiah is based on a true story and stars Daniel Kaluuya as Fred Hampton The National Chairman of The Black Panther Party in the late 1960's. He would be the Black Messiah and counter to that is Judas, or Bill O'Neal who is played by Lakeith Stanfield. Bill is basically a car thief who is offered a job of Informant by the FBI, to get close to Fred Hampton and report about the plans of the Black Panther Party. Bill agrees to this in exchange for having the charges dropped against him for stealing a car. What makes the story so interesting is that Bill seems to be conflicted in terms of either being an Informant or actually being a Black Panther Party Member.
I really enjoyed this film, and thought the acting was great as well as the story as I was never aware of Bill O'Neal's role in the eventual outcome of Fred Hampton. I do feel it drags slightly in the middle but overall a really good film