Spider-Man: No Way Home is the follow up film to "Spider-Man: Far Away From Home". In the aftermath of Spidey's battle with Mysterio, Peter Parker was outed by the evil villain, and now the entire world knows who he is. This becomes a major problem as many people think of Spider-Man as a villain they believe he also murdered Mysterio. This secret identity outing also is causing issues with his girlfriend as well as his best friend; who are all trying to get into MIT for college. Feeling that the world knowing who he is a bad thing, he elicits the help of Dr. Strange who conjures up a spell to make the entire world forget about who Spider-Man is. However, as Dr. Strange is in the middle of the spell, Peter keeps changing the variables wanting certain people in his life to still know his identity, which cause Dr. Strange to stop the spell, but not before accidently inviting some villains from other Universes. I
really did enjoy this film, having not being the biggest Marvel person in general. The movie was entertaining and overall a little darker than the previous films. I thought it has a great message about the consequences of messing with spells and wanted to change your life through the use of magic. As with pretty much all Marvel films however, I found the runtime of about 2 and half hours to be a bit long for my taste. If they could have trimmed about 20 mins or so I felt this film would have been near perfect. Instead it is a really good Superhero film and there is nothing wrong with that!